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Delve Deeper: Exploring Budee Mendoza's Artistic Universe

Unveiling Budee Mendoza's Artistic Legacy: A Journey Beyond 3D Motion of the Week


Budee Mendoza's artistic exploration extends far beyond the captivating weekly releases showcased at 3D Motion of the Week. His creative journey has left its mark on the ever-evolving NFT landscape, with several earlier collections residing on platforms like and


Driven by a commitment to both artistic integrity and environmental responsibility, Budee is a pioneer in exploring new avenues within the NFT world. His interest in Clean NFTs reflects a deep concern for minimizing the environmental impact of this dynamic artistic medium.


This dedication to originality and sustainability underscores Budee's unwavering belief in the power of NFTs to empower artists and foster a vibrant creative ecosystem.





Coming soon on:

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Budee Mendoza Digital Arts

My Digital Artworks Collection (2000-2009). Created them using mostly Photoshop, Poser, and Bryce. Most of my Digital artworks are monthly entries from our Digital artist organization then (IdN Club Philippines). |

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Budee Mendoza 3D Arts

My 3D Artworks Collection (2020). Made using Blender 3D and some minor color adjustments using Photoshop. Most of them are entries in the CG Boost challenge and others are some personal projects. |

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Life in the Crypto World

Meet Mr. Bitcoin, Mr. Etherium, and Ms. Doge as they live their casual life inside the Crypto World. Collect all 3 Top Crypto Avatars and complete the Panoramic Artwork.


Budee Mendoza Digital Art in Motion

My Digital Art in Motion Collection (2021) Is a series of old digital artworks of mine remade with a motion to create a sense of life and make my artworks breathe.


Open Ethereum Sea

A collection of 228 artworks I created as a tribute to how I see the role of Ethereum in the crypto waves of the vast Opensea. Yes, they look similar to one another, but no two artworks here are exactly the same. These individual artworks are like frames that when completely sequence form an endless motion of art.


"Open Ethereum Sea" Motion NFT Reward - In the near future when 50% of my collection is sold, 3 winning collectors will be given a 1 of 10 Edition NFT of the “Open Ethereum Sea” Motion Art (Same motion as the profile pic but in High Resolution as the Artwork). Minting of the Motion art will begin when 45% of the collection is now in the gallery of happy collectors. The other 3 Motion NFTs will be given to lucky collectors when 100% of artworks are now sold. The remaining edition of Motion NFT will be Given to lucky collectors Yearly or to be won through Auction.

All winning collectors will be announced on my Opensea, Discord, Artstation, Twitter, and Instagram page.

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Voice Platform (Clean NFTs)

A Collection of my 3D, Digital Arts, and Motion Arts in a Clean NFT Platform. I'm also studying If it's also good to mint in Tezos (Other Clean NFT Platforms).

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